Church Street Richmond Project

HVAC Improvements

Brenair Mechanical Services were engaged by the client’s agent (Saville) to provide a dilapidation report on the mechanical services installed within the building. The report covered items that included current system design, condition report on equipment and expected life expectancy, budgets to replace equipment over stages and potential cost savings in upgrading the equipment with new energy efficient equipment.

Upon reviewing the report and meeting with the client and agent, the budget costings were agreed to and the replacement of plant and equipment was given the go ahead. Chillers, boilers and pumps were all to be replaced with new equipment and fitted with VSDs. During the course of the project asbestos was being removed ‘from all levels. These works extended into the risers and basement plant room where consequently all the SA riser ductwork, the insulation within the basement AHU’s and CHW coils was removed. The project became a lot bigger with all of these items having to be replaced with new ones. Additionally we had to continue carrying out a tenancy fit out, taking place on the 6th floor. In order for the tenant to take occupancy of the 6th floor all the riser duct, HHW coils, AHU insulation and pipe work had to be reinstated prior to occupancy.

We have installed a completely new Building Management and Energy Management system to control the energy consumption within the building. A new CBus lighting system has also been installed with low energy light fittings.

We are looking forward to evaluating the power consumption with the new equipment and controls system installed compared to the previous power bills